「bloody rain」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

bloody rain」(2007/12/26 (水) 17:49:51) の最新版変更点



*bloody rain 作詞/AkuC 作曲/音羽 We are apostles of God. There are us to destroy a bad person. We are spokesmen of justice. There are us to correct the world. Why unfair things are allowed? Are all the things inconvenient for oneself heretical? Like a leaf flowing through the river, are we flowed in the times? Do you remember a dream of the childhood? I only hope to fulfil dreams. I carry through my justice even if I betray a friend. We were scattered before an enemy. The bloody rain is falling. *音源 -[[bloody rain>http://otohane.seesaa.net/article/47917466.html]]
#divclass(coloredbox){ このページは[[こちらに移転しました>http://www9.atpages.jp/stewmusic/akadb/songlist.php?key=no%3A3789]] } ---- *bloody rain 作詞/AkuC 作曲/音羽 We are apostles of God. There are us to destroy a bad person. We are spokesmen of justice. There are us to correct the world. Why unfair things are allowed? Are all the things inconvenient for oneself heretical? Like a leaf flowing through the river, are we flowed in the times? Do you remember a dream of the childhood? I only hope to fulfil dreams. I carry through my justice even if I betray a friend. We were scattered before an enemy. The bloody rain is falling. *音源 -[[bloody rain>http://otohane.seesaa.net/article/47917466.html]] ----

