「BLUE WAY」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

BLUE WAY」(2008/03/16 (日) 10:22:22) の最新版変更点



*BLUE WAY  作詞/160スレ960 What I said you Everything is you and me Should I go to BLUE WAY? Someone said you Everytime I stay with you Should I show you BLUE WAY? Don't leave me alone I just wanna be crazy Don't let me down I just wanna be crazy I get closer to BLUE WAY Like approaching you She gets closer to BLUE WAY Like checking herself
#divclass(coloredbox){ このページは[[こちらに移転しました>http://www9.atpages.jp/stewmusic/akadb/songlist.php?key=no%3A5362]] } ---- *BLUE WAY  作詞/160スレ960 What I said you Everything is you and me Should I go to BLUE WAY? Someone said you Everytime I stay with you Should I show you BLUE WAY? Don't leave me alone I just wanna be crazy Don't let me down I just wanna be crazy I get closer to BLUE WAY Like approaching you She gets closer to BLUE WAY Like checking herself ----

