
虹(つまだver)」(2007/07/28 (土) 08:06:40) の最新版変更点



*虹  作詞/つまだ It rained, became a sound, and the music scale of the puddle was drawn in asphalt. The wind blew, it became a score, and the plant played a gentle tune waveringly. The rainbow was laid in the sky, such scenery was seen, and people became very sad feelings. Big blue, far smile It became very sad feelings. ---- 平和ってのははすぐそこに見えるけど そんなものは虚像なんだ 実際の平和ってのはものすごく遠くにあって 未だに誰もふもとまでたどり着けないでいる虹みたいなものなんだ
#divclass(coloredbox){ このページは[[こちらに移転しました>http://www9.atpages.jp/stewmusic/akadb/songlist.php?key=no%3A3685]] } ---- *虹  作詞/つまだ It rained, became a sound, and the music scale of the puddle was drawn in asphalt. The wind blew, it became a score, and the plant played a gentle tune waveringly. The rainbow was laid in the sky, such scenery was seen, and people became very sad feelings. Big blue, far smile It became very sad feelings. ---- 平和ってのははすぐそこに見えるけど そんなものは虚像なんだ 実際の平和ってのはものすごく遠くにあって 未だに誰もふもとまでたどり着けないでいる虹みたいなものなんだ ----

