
Peacemaker」(2010/01/08 (金) 22:03:49) の最新版変更点



*Peacemaker  作詞/規制用1スレ715(415スレ67) Do not you know us? It's a rock band that sings the global peace. Have not you heard it? Regrettably. It's losing very much. Only one person in a dark room. All friends disappeared. By chance. We hit on. Yeah. this melody is best. I love you. I need you. No no no. No1. Only1. No no no. We hope for "VIP" treatment. We hope for a high tension. No matter how the world becomes it, it doesn't relate. I have a dream. We have a big dream. Becoming of my song the best. the best. the best.
#divclass(coloredbox){ このページは[[こちらに移転しました>http://www9.atpages.jp/stewmusic/akadb/songlist.php?key=no%3A10539]] } ---- *Peacemaker  作詞/規制用1スレ715(415スレ67) Do not you know us? It's a rock band that sings the global peace. Have not you heard it? Regrettably. It's losing very much. Only one person in a dark room. All friends disappeared. By chance. We hit on. Yeah. this melody is best. I love you. I need you. No no no. No1. Only1. No no no. We hope for "VIP" treatment. We hope for a high tension. No matter how the world becomes it, it doesn't relate. I have a dream. We have a big dream. Becoming of my song the best. the best. the best. ----

